I have had a few opportunities to shoot with the local newspaper, Moonshine Ink on photo and video projects.

By capturing ideas in light theres a freedom of letting somethings be part of the “real” world and controlling others. Taking one frame or 240 a second there are ideas that need to be developed.
I have had a few opportunities to shoot with the local newspaper, Moonshine Ink on photo and video projects.
Working in-house with WINERAM Productions as a studio manager also included filming, editing and design projects. WINERAM Productions is a Tahoe City based wine industry media company, from commercials to TV shows and dabbling in design for a number of major wine companies. With a small team we worked hard to move fast and create quality from being extremely familiar with vineyards and production facilities.
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I’ve been working with Snowledge.co as the lead digital content creator. This is a relatively open position for creating media for advertising and social media. This ranges from disappearing stories on social media as a throw away up to full video projects that have taken weeks to months to complete.
(more…)Working with the local non-profit to showcase their fight to keep the development of my local community to a sustainable level I have been working on video and photography projects to showcase the movement that Sierra Watch has been fighting for.
(more…)As the snow begins to fade on the West Coast of the U.S.A. the ski resorts close and those still looking to get their winter fix have to start walking up the hills instead, after a number of years of heading back down to the Southern hemisphere I started staying for summers in North America and took my first stab at a volcano season and created this three part series film and in this poem by Jess Oundjian.
A trip of friends, adventures, volcanoes.
Of savouring warm beers that wait in the car while we venture up and down the flanks of ancient explosive mountains.
Of setting up camp in snow, dirt, parking lots and motel rooms.
Of simply getting out there with your friends for three weeks of springtime soul shredding among the beautiful Cascade volcanoes.
Join us as we recount a story not about pushing insane limits, but about convening and communing with friends and mountains.
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Bento backs up the Will J in Japan piece I worked on two years ago and I think the follow up has come out way better than the original. I always have got plans for what more I can do and only some of that will ever happen. From seeing as much social media as around these days I wanted to take the approach of every time I would go to shoot an instagram I would also hit record on a little clip. Having the Sony A7 is really a massive part of this, with something so small I can have it around my neck whenever I’m crusing and still have the quality to put it on a tripod with a long lens and shoot a full frame sensor at 60fps. I’m not sure if everything I will do will always be a mirrorless but for right now I’m really happy with the setup.
But as I have Monster as the support on the piece they have more of a shred porn approach to the videos and the second song especially holds true to that with only splashes of culture.
A huge thank you to everyone involved with this piece, Will J first off, putting in the effort everyday to get out there and ride for the camera, he has one of the best work ethics of an professional athletes and it shows in the part.
Monster for the backing and the social support, having a release platform of Facebook with 24 million likes is something that can’t be discounted.
Ash, Dylan, Perrian and all the crew at Holiday Niseko they make the trip soon much more relaxed.
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I created a couple of video stories for the New Zealand entertainment website The Wireless with Anna Pearson. The site is aimed at youth culture and the videos ranged from sporting success stories to more serious with home detention.
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Over a span of five years I have created a series of video for the Big Mountain skiing and snowboarding competitions, these events are visually stunning but also have a number complications to film. Being in the remote mountains of the South Island of New Zealand means a lack of access, power and internet all of which means creating quick turn arounds for the events far more of a challenge.
From Temple Basin where the car park is most of an hour walk from the car park to the base lodge of the field, each of the fields only have rope tows, which in themselves can be challenging in firm early morning conditions before adding large packs and lens trunks, which are very necessary to get a view of the event area you only have a few options all of which are a long way back we we’re shooting on 500mm lenses, sometimes with extenders and crop sensors producing 1,000mm focal lengths. Shooting was only half the battle, we would then finish with the runs before heading to the lodges, which if your at Craigieburn is even more of a hustle as within a few hours all power is turned off, no more editing, no more charging, possibly drive to get dial up speed internet to get the first shots out for the night and get at least a little sleep before being back up at sunrise an on the same plan for the next day.
Over the span of the years we built out the series of videos to have intros for the series released a month in advance for the competitors to get registered and ready with details and plan their schedules, highlights as events were back to back and we wanted to get the word out of the events without time to create a full video, the fails videos we’re first made as an entry for a film competition with the outtakes, when they received a large amount of attention we started adding the film to the line up. Snowboarding was split off into its own video as skiing is the major draw card for these events and we wanted to bring the snowboarding to those that don’t big mountain competitions showcased in the best way they can be.We made profiles to showcase more of the riders personalities more than just the skiing. As well as the event’s themselves which we showed not only the athletes but also bring a little info to the viewer.
The title cards also developed over the years, these were designed around a chalkboard style at first to reflect the grassroots nature of the events and the mountains they are run in. As the years progressed we moved more towards a flipboard, this was to help the transitions in and out, often name cards only needed to be up for a few seconds here and there.
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Airtime and it’s sister winter show The Snow Show were a New Zealand action sports TV series with each short episode running around five minutes and covering an event, trip or profiling an athlete in their chosen sport from wakeboarding, snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing, moto-x and BMX. I directed, produced, filmed and episodes eighteen episodes over three seasons of the show. Traveling around New Zealand with some great friends and a couple of cameras gave some real special opportunities highlighted here.
The featured video above is about the World Heli Challenge during season one of The Snow Show and really showcases what the series tried to show with an international crew meeting with locals and running between multiple action sports in New Zealand. I followed one local athlete and showed a specific viewpoint on an event with a number of large personalities while keep the whole thing feel as if it could be your friends.
All summer episodes of airtime have been removed from the internet the Snow Show remains as it was hosted on a
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During the 2011 winter, I produced a series of snowboarding videos “The Clubbies” about the lifestyle and riding that goes on in a number of small and obscure ski fields in the South Island of New Zealand, great places with very interesting stories and some awesome snow. The series was three episodes long with each episode three to five minutes long. The series was designed to break the mind set of the club ski fields or as they are affectionately known as a place you might take a trip to once a season and that it was this big thing to go there to a place where you can ride everyday and make a season with a group of other like minded snowboarders.
The clubbies can be an intimidating place, deeper in the mountains where skiing is still the norm and many of the occupants having been there since they were young if not multiple generations and lifts technical to ride many snowboarders feel uneasy before getting to the day lodge, we opened the series up in this way with one of the opening comments having an old time skier referring to us as “gays on trays” before we build into why we are there.
Since this series snowboarding has grown and evolved and continues to become more common place at the clubbies.
The Featured Video above is the first episode.
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