Tag: Snowboard

Hutt Early Season Snow Show

So as the snow has fallen and we are back in the mountains the TV show Airtime I have been working on over summer has become Snow Show, same idea, same time, same channel so for my first ep of the season, Liam Hall and myself caught up with a few buddies for a game of “Shred” at Mt Hutt. If you don’t know what “Shred” is just watch as Milu tries to explain it. Always fun to be riding with the crew and I’ve got a fair amount more snow content coming along soon.

Explore Hutt Early Season Snow Show

Feast or Famine

I was just playing with this bit of a drawing after discussing the concept the other day, I don’t know if it’s entirely finished without textures and shading and there is probably a mistake or two in it… but as I was designing the whole thing looked like it could work on a board, so I logged onto facebook to procrastinate a little and first post was a board design comp on boardworld, I’m normally not a fan of asking designers to work for nothing like this but this isn’t going anywhere else so it can go there.

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Chill Adventures Winter 2012 Mag

With the snow season coming up soon Chill have released their winter mag, keeping the scene up to date with everything from the club fields and after last season I felt like I hadn’t shot many photos while concentrating on the Clubbies film series but after I scrolled the hard drives and submitted a whole bunch I came out with 15 shots published as well as writing 1 article and appearing in 2 more photos so not too bad in the end and this shot to me just shows the Chill vibe as it’s meant to be. Bring on winter.

The BR ski patrollers chilling

Explore Chill Adventures Winter 2012 Mag

How to find the mountain

I already know how to get to Temple Basin, it’s one of the best ski fields in the world so I try to get up there as often as I can, right off the main road but with gear lifts that don’t take people and a walking track that takes a while so I’ve been working with the crew up there to get this handy little video to show everyone else how find there way up.

Explore How to find the mountain

The Clubbies Ep3

The third and final of this season’s series of The Clubbies has been a massive learning curve but also really cool to work on and thanks to a massive amount of people who helped out in many ways. Next year may be back in a new format but who knows.

Explore The Clubbies Ep3

The Clubbies Ep2

It’s definitely been an interesting season and a little while since the first ep came out but with the Chill series and other commitments we got around to making this and as always Liam killed it.

Explore The Clubbies Ep2

Chill Series Snowboard

Backside Blog

So this says something about the clubbies being cool in Italian, I have no idea what but backsideblog is real dope so check the pictures and vids anyway.
clubbies stoke in italian

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Octagon Rail Jam

Media Pass

I’ve just been on the road for enough days to get back for a couple nights then be away again, my truck was a bomb site and when I got round to tidying it up I found the Media Pass I was given for the Rail Jam on Saturday night, I thought it was awesome being hand drawn but the bouncers didn’t so it didn’t actually help so I had to get a wrist band which happened to be the wrong colour and bla bla bla media pass never actually helped for anything but this blog post.

The shots from the Rail Jam will be out asap.

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