Tag: Snowboard

World Heli Challenge 2013 – Best Freestyle Day

I was a part of the Shoot out for WHC this year, it’s a competition to cover a competition and make an edit. Last year I made a Snow Show instead so was keen to throw my hat in the ring against some of the other local and international film makers, it was a bit of a crazy year with the weather being all over the show which means we only flew one day out of the two even tho we had a two week window but that put all film makers in the same position so I began cutting and this is what I ended up with and the panel of judges saw something good in it as they awarded me with best Freestyle day edit.

Explore World Heli Challenge 2013 – Best Freestyle Day

Trick Bag App

I did a little helping out with the guys to make some videos for a new snowboard app called Trick Bag. The app makes wish lists, teaches you tricks, scrambles them up and all sorts of stuff to entertain yourself in the park. Download it now on iOS.
screengrab of the app welcome screen

Explore Trick Bag App

Welcome to CHILL Series ’13

And we start again with a little teaser to this years series with Fraser McDougall, talking about a few dates and some stuff. I’ve changed it up a bit this year, not as heavy on the chalk animations but a few shots from last year and a couple other little things.

Explore Welcome to CHILL Series ’13

Fraser & Ben


Last weekend we managed to scamper on up in to the hills, not the craziest of all starts to the season but getting days and a wee article in May is a way to start. Check the full thing at the NZsnowboard.com post.
ben comber snowboarding

Explore #preseason


For one of the Snow Show TV shows I filmed and edited during the 2012 winter I travelled from Tekapo to Wanaka with two of New Zealand’s best snowboarders, Will Jackways & Abby Lockhart, as well as their dog and documented the travels along the way, the show is about the lifestyle of riding as much as the tricks. All of my Snow Show eps are here.

Explore Camperventure

Simple Laps

I’ve been cutting away on this clip for Ben from across the ocean. The internet opens up nice little options like being able to quickly and easily help someone out like this to do the editing on a piece of footage that you wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to film.

Explore Simple Laps


A selection of the images I have taken in the frozen landscapes of the world and if they have been published.
This selection does not include those shot for Snowledge or Bento.

The Featured image is slash turn of Will Jackways in the Cardrona backcountry of New Zealand for an online article on Mountain Watch debating the split board or snowshoe issue. Will has more powder turns under his belt than almost anyone you know and the edge control to back it up.

Explore Snow

The Next Step

I’ve just booked in flights to Japan, I leave in two weeks today and plan on taking a camera and seeing how far I can go. Theres going to be something fun in this adventure for sure.

Explore The Next Step

Show Reels

This has been something that I should have dealt with before now but I finally had a need to get one done pretty quick so I grabbed a whole bunch of what I’ve been up to for the past year and cut it up. Now I just have to go shoot some more and get something better but there are plenty of plans in the works for that.

And right around the same time Liam has been cutting the Film Inc Media reel. This was something he shot on the day after Snow Park closed and wasn’t sure what to do with it but I think it show a lot of what he’s up to as the main filmer for Film Inc, the guy just shots and edits a crazy amount.

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