Tag: comp

The CHILL Series has begun

Which means I have been half way up the side of the mountain shooting for the past week, it’s been a great chance to use a few new toys and do some things that I haven’t before with a production, the internet isn’t too fast up there but as we left town I released this little update.

And in between Mt Olympus and Craigieburn I had an hour or so to cut up this little teaser with some results so that I have time to do the real thing over the next few days before I go back to the hills.

Explore The CHILL Series has begun

Burton High Fives Practice Day

Another media circus is beginning up at Snowpark with practice day today I just went way back with the long lens, tomorrow slopestyle and then Saturday is on the pipe. Christy was boosting methods bigger than most of the guys so she got one of the photos on the NZsnowboard gallery.
burton high five practice

Explore Burton High Fives Practice Day

Bro Down pics and clips

The past couple days I’ve been hanging out at Snowpark NZ getting some shots for Bro Down, yesterday for practice I gave my shots to liam to cut up into this little edit, mine are the long lens, his are the fish eye. Check it here or on Film Inc Media.
[vimeo clip_id=”46849658″ width=”700″ height=””]
Today was a little more hectic for qualifiers tho, I was shooting some combination of photo, video, instagram and posting on twitter all day, check a bunch of the shots on NZsnowboard.com including this one which is my favourite.
snowboarding blue and white and black and mono
So now I’m just sitting across the room from Liam getting today’s edit finished up, stay tuned.

Explore Bro Down pics and clips

the Wakeskate Nationals Photo flipbook 2012

Wake Nationals Photo Gallery

The North Island Wakeboard Champs 2012

It turns out my computer doesn’t really like creating 3D text in photoshop so this took a while to go from concept to completion and after a whole number of different tries to give the text the effect I ended up going with Repousse tool and as quite often happens the final image is quite different to the initial concept but I’m happy so if you can make it get on down, Facebook event here.
blue poster with wakeboarding and 3d text and lots of logos

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Explore The North Island Wakeboard Champs 2012

Winchfest Digital Cover

This has been one of the best wake comps I have ever been to so a massive thanks to Jane and Muzza for putting on Winchfest, Brad for slamming out this lipslide and a whole bunch of other people, there’s more to come but for right now check out the new digital cover for NZwakeboard.com.

Explore Winchfest Digital Cover

Auckland Wakeboard Open poster.

Not that I’m going to the event but I was asked to this poster yesterday morning and have it finished by yesterday night. After scratching my head for a while I used this image from about 3 days after I got my first DSLR, I guess there is a reason I have soo many hard drives on my desk.
minimal action sports poster

Explore Auckland Wakeboard Open poster.

George Pengelly edit

This kid is killing it these days 16 years old won the big mountain part of the free ski open this year. He’s not even allowed to ride the comp for another two years, rips what ever he is skiing, always having fun and skis as much as he can. Plus his middle name is Cosmo which makes him even cooler.

Explore George Pengelly edit

Chill Series Snowboard