I have been hosting the NZ Tour Guide website for a number of years, it’s a pretty simple one-page site that to save costs we had grabbed a theme from Woo Themes and let it free into the world, except that was built on some code that just isn’t doing too hot on the lighthouse scores, 57 / 100 performance, in particular, was concerning to me.
So in between a couple of projects, I looked at how I could update the site in a pretty quick and easy way using some new technologies including stripping out the entire WordPress CMS and just writing some HTML, CSS
There a couple of cool little things, the margins expand with an Intersection Observer and the images also parallax slightly in a way that lets me keep them in the HTML, I don’t like background CSS images, as it means I have a harder time working on responsive image and dropping in the
Hopefully, this becomes something we finish up but for now, it’s sitting at https://auksas.nztourguide.co.nz
This has become the basis of the live design and is live at NZTourGuide.co.nz