Tag: webpack

NZ Tour Guide

For a major rebuild of the one page New Zealand Tour Guide site I focused on speed and built a snappy little site with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS producing a site that loads dramatically faster and consumes far fewer resources than what was there before.


Explore NZ Tour Guide

Mons Royale Product Page Pitch

Over a quiet weekend I knocked up a quick pitch piece of a product page for Mons Royale, I’ve always been a big fan of their pieces and have worked with them on media projects over the years but never in as much of a design role.

I took what Mons is already doing with product and graphic design and just pushed it to a web design, using the strong colors and angles, being a quick weekend piece the site works as a mockup but isn’t truly function, there’s no hover states, only enough header tags for the page to load, javascript only powers the webpack build, there are problems with the design at certain sizes or adaptions so it would need significat work to be production ready.

The design is layers on layers of CSS grid and I’m really looking forward to the implementation of sub-grid as it comes down the pipeline, almost all of the color is either background filled grids of SVG shapes, including the promo piece (green background) halfway down which involved layering and building shapes in a way I hadn’t pushed as far before so that’s something I want to continue explore and create some dynamic and responsive designs that are super performant.



Explore Mons Royale Product Page Pitch

Ben Comber Landing Page

A very long time ago I was helping Ben out to build a snowboard site, so between 2010 and 2014 it was a functional site but it’s been left to hang out and languish, so we threw together something a little more exciting for a landing page. It’s really just a fun little usage of the CurtainJS tech but maybe someday we will continue to build on this and do something exciting.

The screenshot really does no justice of what this is so check it out over at BenComber.com

Explore Ben Comber Landing Page

NZ Tour Guide Propsal​

I have been hosting the NZ Tour Guide website for a number of years, it’s a pretty simple one-page site that to save costs we had grabbed a theme from Woo Themes and let it free into the world, except that was built on some code that just isn’t doing too hot on the lighthouse scores, 57 / 100 performance, in particular, was concerning to me.


Explore NZ Tour Guide Propsal​