A selection of the images I have taken in the frozen landscapes of the world and if they have been published.
This selection does not include those shot for Snowledge or Bento.

The Featured image is slash turn of Will Jackways in the Cardrona backcountry of New Zealand for an online article on Mountain Watch debating the split board or snowshoe issue. Will has more powder turns under his belt than almost anyone you know and the edge control to back it up.

Explore Snow

As a local tourism operator the Vintage Peddler were looking to be a little different, bringing back a number of old bikes and letting tourists blend into the local scenery and slide on by like a local. Bikes have always been one of my favorite ways of to explore a new city so when the opportunity came along to design and shoot for the project it was a really cool one to work on.

Explore The Vintage Peddler

This was a little side project at a time I was getting to design any posters and felt the desire to get back to playing with them more often, they were generally a reaction to what I was around during the week.

Explore A Piece A Week

After the Quake City Rumblers TV3 News appearance it seems a fitting time to release the logo I’ve been working on for them. With an image from William Miler engraved in 1818, QCR are collaborating with the dead, just the way it should be.

Explore Q.C.R vs William Miller