Blue sky powder days and a perfect popper in the Wanaka Backcountry.
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Blue sky powder days and a perfect popper in the Wanaka Backcountry.
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These pipes are iconic in the New Zealand landscape they can be seen from too far away which drew us in but still took us years for us to get this shot.
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Roadside attractions take on too much more meaning in snowboarding but the New Zealand snowpack clings to the top of the hills, when the chance to get away from the same old hits you can best bet the Diaries Down Under crew will be there first.
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From the start the pow turn has been the essence of snowboarding, no matter how many you do there will be infinite more to do and transferring the pleasure of that turn into an image is a constant.
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As a fair majority of my video work for the past couple years has been in the mountains I decided to split my work entirely into snow and no snow so this is the snow part of that. Work from Monster Energy, CHILL Adventures, Volcom, Yeah For It, Frontside Media, World Heli Challenge and more.
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At the end of this season I had a few clips left over from working with Will J, a bit of pipe here, a trip to the clubbies there so we got to editing it with some POV footage that Will had from the season to give you this little piece.
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This year the format is all new, just to make it to the comp we have spent the past few weeks with our team of Chalrie Lyons, Will Jackways and myself. It’s kind of a strange situation with very few teams having a completely new edit such as we have but it’s all just a game to see who the two teams that will get to fly at Mt Cook are so I have to ask you to help out and throw a vote our way over at
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It’s quite nice watching how many people like your shots when they get shared around by the big guys and stoked that those at Volcom International are even looking at my work.
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It’s been quite some time since we finished an epic two month journey of shooting a lot of fresh snow and with this snow year it feels even longer ago but after the release of the Monster Energy piece I talked with Will and we felt there were a bunch of shots we both liked so I’ve cut this as a hope to fill in a few pieces which may have not been seen in the first cut that was as Monster does and as a majority. snow-porn.
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For a decidedly white day it was a rather fun and mellow comp and for my first time working with Volcom a good chance to get a little more weird on the logo animation.
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