Tag: riley bathurst

The South Will Skate

Shot for Shot

Max Speed 5 Knots

On the road again

Liam Smith wakeskate video

Back shooting wake

I’ve been looking forward to riding with these three English kids, Well Matt is from NZ but lives over there now, for a while now got the chance to today and it didn’t disappoint. Got some shot for an NZwakeboard.com post, this is my favorite. Matt Burns switch front bigspin.

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As I’m getting back to work for the new year it’s good feeling like I achieved something at the end of 2010. I’ve got heaps of pages of design, photos and even some writing through this summer’s Chill mag including this shot on the cover but these are a couple of my favourites.

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Wakeskate Self Portrait

I shot this set just before I left NZ a couple weeks back, it’s not perfect but it’s a something and it proves the angel can work to a certain extent of it’s hard to frame and you ride with one arm all the time. The NZwakeboard.com site is always coming along will be good to be back home and get some more footage next week.

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Au Rocher de Cancale