Designing for the Quake City Rumblers is always interesting as those that encourage chaos it gives a certain freedom to the design process.
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Designing for the Quake City Rumblers is always interesting as those that encourage chaos it gives a certain freedom to the design process.
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I hung off the back of a motorbike shooting for the Q.C.R. Run to the Guns, full album can be found on their page facebook page. Make up your own mind on it.
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Working in with the Q.C.R. for their first organized or disorganized run I made a little something.
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After the Quake City Rumblers TV3 News appearance it seems a fitting time to release the logo I’ve been working on for them. With an image from William Miler engraved in 1818, QCR are collaborating with the dead, just the way it should be.
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Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been borrowing a silk screen from a friend so I could make a few prints, exposing the image under natural light and drying in the hot water cylinder took a few goes to get the way I was hoping and printing onto denim was a bit harder than I imagined but a couple of layer of ink and now the Quake City Rumblers patch is ready to terrorize Christchurch and conveniently there just happens to be an old Chevy sitting in our garage at the moment.
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I was given the chalk drawing for a basic sketch of the Quake City Rumblers logo probably a couple years ago now, its the moped gang my flat mate and a few of his buddies have but I’ve always struggled to get it into a vector the way I would like it, I don’t think this is finished but it’s getting there for a very simplified version.
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This was very shortly before the Quake City Rumblers almost caused a multi-car crash after avoiding the near miss the video to come soon will tell the story.
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We just dragged this old thing out of the depths of a super polluted river that runs near my place, right next to the chemical plant.
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