Tag: nzwakeboard.com




I’ve been to Auckland a whole lot of time to go wakeboarding before, I’ve never ridden in Auckland tho, checked out a whole bunch of the basins with Cam Stenning, Nic Hale, and Flick Blackmore before and after going to Wakedup. Shot this frame for NZwakeboard.com of Cam 540 back big.

Explore Basins


Good riding, good party over the weekend, shot for NZwakeboard.com even got talked into riding the double up comp, first time I’ve hit a double in a few years.
Here’s the shot of Antz boosting an Indy Glide and some kids partying.

Explore WAKEdUP

Wairou Locals

The New Kids

I’ve spent the last few days for NZwakeboard.com in Blenheim filming wake with Guy Robinson, he’s shreading at the moment so I have a lot of footage to cut, and for a bonus his little brother, Theo, killing it.

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Explore The New Kids


Digital Cover

The South Will Skate

Shot for Shot