Tag: nzwakeboard.com

Battle Comp


Riding with Josh O doesn’t happen as much as it used to so getting him to come away for a weekend to go shread wake and shoot some for NZwakeboard was good times, took a chase boat down for a perfect flat set in Paddock Bay on Lake Wanaka then went to the 2011 On Edge Wake Jam where he won and I did a couple tricks I was happy with. Thanks to everyone that helped, Marcus at Watersports Wanaka, Kerry at On Edge, Ben & Devan at Jet Pilot & J-Star and Liam for the colab on the video he did the directing and the shooting while I was taking stills and I did the producing and the editing.

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Shooting with my big bro

It’s been almost eighteen months since I last shot wakeskating with Tim, always fun, also first time I’ve been to Lake Brunner in about two years so was all and all just a big life changes but not too much. I still really like diptychs but this is also the first time I’ve shot with him since I started NZwakeboard.com

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Cross over comp

Being consitent and being able to ride everything on a wakeboard is definitely not my strong point these days but it is Jamie’s so he kicked my ass today at the comp, today was cable tomorow is boat. Here’s my favourite shot for NZwakeboard.com

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Rail Garden Teaser

So normally when I take Liam Hall along to film something for NZwakeboard.com I have to slow him down and make sure everything fit too the music he always wants to go over the top epic to dubstep, and keeps talking about helicopter this and that somehow it actually happened. My first effort just producing a video I’d be happy if I ever get these opportunities again.

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Digital Cover #5

I’m really happy with how this came out, Josh O is a freak on rails and this is my favorite shot from being in the chopper and possibly the last time I’ll get to shoot from one for a long time. Digital Cover #5 for NZwakeboard.com.

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The shots before

Over the last weekend I went down south taking a few friends with me to get some shots for NZwakeboard.com these are the shots from the Friday, Saturday. The Sunday shots will be coming soon as they are different to anything I have ever done before not to say I don’t like either of these shots of Josho, I do but, stay tuned.

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Winters Coming

Train Lane

The New Kids

The kids riding down at Wakepark NZ are pretty much me 5 – 10 years ago it’s cool hanging out with them and watching them learn a trick in 3 goes that took me a month. Mark Holder is going to be doing some ridiculous tricks off the kicker sometime soon but for the moment this tail grab for NZwakeboard

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