Tag: nzwakeboard.com


Up a creek

This is the same spot we had been a week before and got the shot, this time we had to walk the hard way in due to people looking over the easy way, up the river thru some paddocks, just to find out the pools were drained, oh and the winch didn’t work. NZwakeboard.com

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I like cameras

Been shooting a whole lot of really cool shots today but this was not one of them, those will be out pretty soon tho, but a couple months back while it was still warm shot this with Josh O down south, getting all tweak on his toe three for NZwakeboard.com

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Wakeskate Nationals Vid

Wake Nats Video

Slow Shutter

I pretty much always get out of the boat to shoot when someone rides, I don’t really like the angle, it’s been done a million times so I tried to spice it up a bit with of the old slower shutter. Kinda works maybe next time I’ll just do slow from out of the boat then really like it. There’s always and always another post for NZwakeboard Anyway, Jamie Barrow heel front.

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5 hours for 5 seconds

This was one of those time that most people won’t ever see the work that went into these shots. I think Cam took about 35 goes to get his trick, Nic Hale was a little faster to get this front shuv for NZwakeboard

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The Rail Garden Edit

Thanks to soo many people for helping me make this, Liam Hall for filming, Josh O for riding with me. The Fergusons & those that built the gardens, The sponsors and the others that helped this is what I’ve been looking to do for a while in wakeboarding its good to feel like I’ve done what I wanted to.

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Josh O before the chopper

Good Grommie