Tag: action sports

HEADSPACE: Jonny Moseley

A couple of weeks back I got to catch up with one of skiing pioneers and quite the marketing genius, more people know who this guy is than the last olympic gold medalists to have a chat for The Inertia and Canted Angle Productions.

Explore HEADSPACE: Jonny Moseley


Bento backs up the Will J in Japan piece I worked on two years ago and I think the follow up has come out way better than the original. I always have got plans for what more I can do and only some of that will ever happen. From seeing as much social media as around these days I wanted to take the approach of every time I would go to shoot an instagram I would also hit record on a little clip. Having the Sony A7 is really a massive part of this, with something so small I can have it around my neck whenever I’m crusing and still have the quality to put it on a tripod with a long lens and shoot a full frame sensor at 60fps. I’m not sure if everything I will do will always be a mirrorless but for right now I’m really happy with the setup.
But as I have Monster as the support on the piece they have more of a shred porn approach to the videos and the second song especially holds true to that with only splashes of culture.
A huge thank you to everyone involved with this piece, Will J first off, putting in the effort everyday to get out there and ride for the camera, he has one of the best work ethics of an professional athletes and it shows in the part.
Monster for the backing and the social support, having a release platform of Facebook with 24 million likes is something that can’t be discounted.
Ash, Dylan, Perrian and all the crew at Holiday Niseko they make the trip soon much more relaxed.

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Last Tracks

For longer than I should probably admit I’ve been working on this piece, when I moved down to Queenstown we had a real good collection of vinyl, another year later I started messing around with 3 axis gimbals and then finally this spring we got some of the snow shots to start editing it up, I had to get Alex Bowater’s help on it as well but it’s something I’m happy with.

Ben was the one that came up with the name, basing it on this being the last track of Ray Charles, Yes Indeed album and the last days of spring, this was filmed literally the last full day I had in New Zealand but what better way to spend it than shredding the old stomping grounds.

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Bento – Trailer

For the past year I’ve been working on the follow up to Will J in Japan that I filmed a couple years ago, and now that, in it’s full title, Monster Energy presents Bento a Backcountry Experience in Japan, but first a little trailer to get warmed up.

Explore Bento – Trailer

Dream Trip

I’ve been throwing a bit of my spare weekends and nights editing up some rather cool footage of the girls skating around the South Island then off to Phillipines earlier in the year, would have been awesome to be on this one but sometimes you just can’t be everywhere at once.

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Splitboard Access

Alpine starts is a euphemism of waking up way too early so that you can get up a mountain at the time you need to, this is generally well before day break but it can make for some amazing images with the soft morning light.

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Jesse Allely, Sunset

Ben Comber, Miller Flip

The season had only just finished and there was plenty of snow still in the mountains giving us the chance to use the ski field in a way that we normally would just cruise on by and some of the best images are really just under your nose the whole time. This image was published in Manual Magazine.

Explore Ben Comber, Miller Flip

Dice Brass Knuckles & Guitar

The Wireless – Carlos Garcia Knight

During a trip south last week I got to catch up with one of the younger snowboarders that’s made the transition from Hutt park rider to Wanaka local and is making the transition from small time kiwi to internationally known snowboarder and hopefully the next step of that journey is Winter Games. A bi-annual festival thats been running a while in the southern lakes, kinda a small version of the Winter Olympics which is about to start and run for the next ten days or so. I wanted to take a little different approach on the film and show off how Carlos is working as athlete and how that is effecting the way he rides and the part I’m liking about it is that he’s not a text book robot with a style stronger than his skinny frame.

Check the full article at http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/searching-for-that-mountain-high

Explore The Wireless – Carlos Garcia Knight