Tag: wakeboard

Winters Coming

The New Kids

The kids riding down at Wakepark NZ are pretty much me 5 – 10 years ago it’s cool hanging out with them and watching them learn a trick in 3 goes that took me a month. Mark Holder is going to be doing some ridiculous tricks off the kicker sometime soon but for the moment this tail grab for NZwakeboard

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Good riding, good party over the weekend, shot for NZwakeboard.com even got talked into riding the double up comp, first time I’ve hit a double in a few years.
Here’s the shot of Antz boosting an Indy Glide and some kids partying.

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Wairou Locals

The New Kids

I’ve spent the last few days for NZwakeboard.com in Blenheim filming wake with Guy Robinson, he’s shreading at the moment so I have a lot of footage to cut, and for a bonus his little brother, Theo, killing it.

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Explore The New Kids


Josh O

Road Cone

Josho and a GoPro