Tag: video

Big Boys Toys Airtime

The second of my clips to be released on Airtime, the action sports show on TVNZ U from a trip up to Auckland for the Big Boys Toys action sports and lifestyle expo, really cool to work with not only the wake kids but also the BMX and FMX as well so I’m stoked to see these on the screen and now on vimeo as well. So thanks to Liam Hall for half the shooting and editing as well as all the others that made it possible.


The video has been taken offline.

Explore Big Boys Toys Airtime

A wakeskate clip

It didn’t really have a name so I went with Cam does most of the skating in it and didn’t really have a purpose other than rad stuff that was sitting in my hard drives collecting dust so now it’s a video for nzwakeboard.com.

Explore A wakeskate clip

A set with Brad


The Clubbies Ep3

The third and final of this season’s series of The Clubbies has been a massive learning curve but also really cool to work on and thanks to a massive amount of people who helped out in many ways. Next year may be back in a new format but who knows.

Explore The Clubbies Ep3

First Summer of the Season

And Just before daylight saving slips in we went for two wakeskates, boat riding out at Lyttelton the into twon for the first NZwakeboard.com shoot of the season with Tim VW. It’s a drop that we hit a few years back but last time we didn’t get the second shot of this vid so was good to go back and knock that one off.

Explore First Summer of the Season

The Clubbies Ep2

It’s definitely been an interesting season and a little while since the first ep came out but with the Chill series and other commitments we got around to making this and as always Liam killed it.

Explore The Clubbies Ep2

Chill Series Snowboard

Black Diamond Big Mountain

Spring Skate Edit

During the last month or so of last summer I went shooting a bunch for NZwakeboard.com but never really had enough to make a full edit and when I eventually di it was winter so right about now seems like a good time to release the cut and get people motivated for the upcoming summer.

Explore Spring Skate Edit