Tag: travel

2017 Turns All Year

I didn’t ride everyday but I did ride every month and every month theres something pretty all time to do, thanks to all the friends who did this with me.

Explore 2017 Turns All Year

Beartooth 2* FWQ for Snowledge

Of one of the strangest trips I’ve been on recently, I took a massive road trip as only possibly in the U.S. to head into Yellowstone and through to Beartooth Basin Summer Ski area for a 2* FWQ event, the weather was off and on so this was a little between, touristing, road laps and the comp.

Explore Beartooth 2* FWQ for Snowledge

Cascadia Part 3 of 3

Finishing up Cascadia took a lot longer than these final climbs but it was also pretty amazing and kinda a bad idea to take a full camera bag up Mt. Shasta in a day, I’d do it again tomorrow if I had to tho.

Explore Cascadia Part 3 of 3

Cascadia Part 2 of 3

As we continued up through the Cascade range we hit weather in Oregon, this was the longest I’ve spent in the state and started to see the beauty in the place, Bend does amazing beer as well as has some real fun mountains to climb.

Explore Cascadia Part 2 of 3

Cascadia – Part 1 of 3

The first episode of Cascadia, the spring split board and ski touring project, Mike Handford along with a bunch of friends, myself and some cameras but at this point I’m going to let the video speak for itself.
Vimeo Link

Explore Cascadia – Part 1 of 3

Cascadia – The Trailer

After months of editing and procrastinating and going around a little in circle we’re finally getting very close to the release of Cascadia, the split board and ski touring video series I shot during the 2016 spring from California north up the Cascade mountain range, all the way up to Washington.

Explore Cascadia – The Trailer

Airstream, Taos, New Mexico

Splitboard Access

Alpine starts is a euphemism of waking up way too early so that you can get up a mountain at the time you need to, this is generally well before day break but it can make for some amazing images with the soft morning light.

Explore Splitboard Access

How to access Temple Basin

Working with one of the more unique ski fields in the world we produced a video to even be able to find the place, I’ve spent a little time up there and would recommend to anyone that hasn’t been to watch this clip and make your way to Temple.

Explore How to access Temple Basin

Will J in Japan extended

It’s been quite some time since we finished an epic two month journey of shooting a lot of fresh snow and with this snow year it feels even longer ago but after the release of the Monster Energy piece I talked with Will and we felt there were a bunch of shots we both liked so I’ve cut this as a hope to fill in a few pieces which may have not been seen in the first cut that was as Monster does and as a majority. snow-porn.

Explore Will J in Japan extended