Tag: snowboarding

Snowbasin Snowboard

I’m playing around with YouTube formats, this week we split apart the snowboarding and the skiing from Snowbasin to see if that helps or hinders views, in theory each ep is a little less impressive but more targeted.

Explore Snowbasin Snowboard

Mt Rose. Reno on the Rise // Seeking Snowledge

Wolf Creek Wall to Wall // Seeking Snowledge

In Front of the Lens

I have this slight filters dilemma, I can’t tell you my dream day in the mountains. I hear from most people it’s pretty simple. Fresh snow, Helicopter and those parts I agree on I’ve been lucky to have been in that situation on multiple occasions. I have the problem of which side of the lens I want to be on. The best feeling is riding a board no doubt but I feel more fulfilled at the end of the day when I sit down at the computer and work through the footage, capturing the artistic spirit of the mountains, not to say I don’t remember a perfect turn or an air but I love keeping the moments alive and for the world to see. Sometimes I can do both and I really want to work on some better self portraits this winter.

This video is a lot of those in-between moments, A quick rip around the hill when the usual suspects are nowhere to be found on a pretty good but not epic day, a few park laps when the crew are feeling beat up from new tricks or just not feeling like anything is coming together and I can throw them the follow cam stick.

And for the help with this I am super grateful to everyone that helped with these shots.I know the sacrifice even when your feeling good but not perfect to take the camera down setup and get setup. 

I present to you in full my Snowledge Filmer’s Edit Twenty Seventeen / Eighteen

Explore In Front of the Lens

Simple Laps

I’ve been cutting away on this clip for Ben from across the ocean. The internet opens up nice little options like being able to quickly and easily help someone out like this to do the editing on a piece of footage that you wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to film.

Explore Simple Laps


During the 2012 CHILL Big Mountain series I ended up with a lot of footage that I really liked but didn’t fit with in the edits so I made this extra edit for the Ice Film Fest. The rest of the CHILL series 2012 is here.

Explore Fails

Old Style Film Photos