Tag: Snowboard

MountainWatch Split or Snowshoes Article


A few of the boys up in Canterbury are working on a new site called PROJECT WINTER so I passed over a few of my shots from the first couple of days we took touring. Check it out over here.



Really happy to see this shot of Ben Comber’s pipe ride in print. It’s not the biggest trick out there but it’s a cool spot that I think a lot of people have looked at but I don’t know if it’s been hit before, as is a little obvious there’s not a lot of snow around it but sometimes you have to make the most of a lower snow. Check it out in the new issue of CHILL Adventures mag out now.
snowboard streetish shot

Explore Pipes

Monster Energy – Will Jackways Japan Powder Edit

Will J in Japan

After stamping around the hills of Japan for a couple of months in a lot of the best snow I have come across we have got our edit out and is currently the title piece of twsnow.com. A massive thanks to Will first and foremost for making this happen and putting in soo much work to get the shots plus also to the whole crew who helped out while we were there and getting it online.

Explore Will J in Japan

World Heli Challenge 2013 – Winner Freestyle Day

As with anytime your running around the mountains things are going to get complicated, especially when you introduce helicopters and competition, 2013 WHC was no exception with only one of the two days completed the video competition was changed dramatically, I was honoured to receive the prize for best freestyle day, the only day completed, by the judges and bring on 2014 with hopefully a better snowpack and better weather.

Explore World Heli Challenge 2013 – Winner Freestyle Day

World Heli Challenge – snow show

My first experience of the World Heli Challenge was filming for the Snow Show, I worked with Will Jackways during the piece which turned out to be a rather good idea as he was the one to take out the compeition.

Explore World Heli Challenge – snow show

Merrill Time

While in Japan working on another soon to be released project we spent a few days with Bode, Harry and their filmer Pat while they worked on this crazy part, I don’t have much in there but stoked to have worked with the guys and see what they are making, plus just watching Bode ride a snowboard is sweet.

Explore Merrill Time

CHILL Series Snowboard

The snowboard field continues to keep uping the game in the big mountain NZ comps, its crazy to see how the conditions are to deal with, these really are ski comps but these guys have some lines.

Explore CHILL Series Snowboard

In The Montage

In the mix of trying to get a whole heap done I end up with a few little pieces of footage here and there for projects that I want to happen but run out of time on, like filming with Christy Prior this year, the girl rips but your schedules didn’t really work out so we had one grey morning with a few tricks and they ended up in Snowboarder Mag’s new vid. Don’t worry they are in the first minute so you won’t have to be there all day either.

Explore In The Montage