Tag: snow

How to find the mountain

I already know how to get to Temple Basin, it’s one of the best ski fields in the world so I try to get up there as often as I can, right off the main road but with gear lifts that don’t take people and a walking track that takes a while so I’ve been working with the crew up there to get this handy little video to show everyone else how find there way up.

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The Clubbies Ep3

The third and final of this season’s series of The Clubbies has been a massive learning curve but also really cool to work on and thanks to a massive amount of people who helped out in many ways. Next year may be back in a new format but who knows.

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George Pengelly edit

This kid is killing it these days 16 years old won the big mountain part of the free ski open this year. He’s not even allowed to ride the comp for another two years, rips what ever he is skiing, always having fun and skis as much as he can. Plus his middle name is Cosmo which makes him even cooler.

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The Clubbies Ep2

It’s definitely been an interesting season and a little while since the first ep came out but with the Chill series and other commitments we got around to making this and as always Liam killed it.

Explore The Clubbies Ep2

Chill Series Snowboard

Black Diamond Big Mountain

K2 Big Mountain Part 2

Backside Blog

So this says something about the clubbies being cool in Italian, I have no idea what but backsideblog is real dope so check the pictures and vids anyway.
clubbies stoke in italian

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K2 Big Mountain Part 1

I spent the last week up in the hills with Liam Hall and the crew checking out the K2 Big Mountain Chill Series, there was a whole lot of high speed skiing going down on some solid conditions. George the super grom is insane and Fraser is skiing faster than anyone these days. Check back in a couple days and the olympus cut will be online.

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Octagon Rail Jam