While shooting the Whistler nightlife scene you meet a different set of people than you do during the daylight hours.
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While shooting the Whistler nightlife scene you meet a different set of people than you do during the daylight hours.
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Simoun Courtney won the Stienlarger Pure Futures competition with the idea of hand building unique bikes in his garage, a little kiwi ingenuity and some metal and you can create art.
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A selection of the images I have taken in the frozen landscapes of the world and if they have been published.
This selection does not include those shot for Snowledge or Bento.
The Featured image is slash turn of Will Jackways in the Cardrona backcountry of New Zealand for an online article on Mountain Watch debating the split board or snowshoe issue. Will has more powder turns under his belt than almost anyone you know and the edge control to back it up.
My buddy Sim lent me a sweet fish eye lens to play with, as soon as I got it me and Chris Collie had a play down in Meadow Park on the kids stuff covered in snow, always fun to get something different and its been a while since I’ve had a fish eye to play with.
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