Tag: new zealand

Sale Only Woocommerce

So away from my normal post of the media I’ve been creating and to a little something that I couldn’t find and took way too long to do something very simple. I’ve been working on a site that was almost done and they wished to have a Sale page so when anything goes on sale it automatically gets put onto the page, I’m only slightly editing a woo theme so used woo commerce which to be fair I’m not too familiar with but this is something I’ve seen on many site so didn’t hesitate at the request. I could be wrong in the best way to do this but the way I have found it possible and easy to do was

  1. head to my themes folder and find the page.php file
  2. copy this and rename page-sale.php
  3. add the custom-page template code to the top of the page
  4. <?php
    Template Name: sale

  5. get to the site’s dashboard and create a new page
  6. title it sale and in the text editor side of the content type 


  7. change the template to sale
  8. publish and done in a minute flat

Explore Sale Only Woocommerce

Pinky Pineapple

I met up with Amber recently who has started working on a new fashion blog www.pinkypineapple.com and we worked on a couple of image of the day looks. Check out them here

Explore Pinky Pineapple

Sophie Jo Backstage

I was talking to a friend recently about what she was up to when she finished fashion school as I knew that was coming up for her, Sh’e got a job at Karen Walker so you will be seeing her around more in the future of the fashion world but as for now she asked me to come and hang out for her graduating show and shoot some backstage shots, check the whole album on her facebook album


Explore Sophie Jo Backstage

Mountain Outlook

Working with skiers and snowboarders on the same project has positives and negatives, the positive being it can give a different set of outlooks on the same mountain. Charlie Lyons and Will Jackways take time to mind surf the scenery while filming for Big Risk Big Rewards.

Explore Mountain Outlook

Will J Stale

Brad Smeele, Dome

We found this place just in time, as soon as the construction was done we we’re never going to get in here but the construction really added something different to the background.

Explore Brad Smeele, Dome

Ben Comber, Pipes

These pipes are iconic in the New Zealand landscape they can be seen from too far away which drew us in but still took us years for us to get this shot.

Explore Ben Comber, Pipes

Nick Hyne, Frontside 3

Roadside attractions take on too much more meaning in snowboarding but the New Zealand snowpack clings to the top of the hills, when the chance to get away from the same old hits you can best bet the Diaries Down Under crew will be there first.

Explore Nick Hyne, Frontside 3

Will Jackways, Slash

From the start the pow turn has been the essence of snowboarding, no matter how many you do there will be infinite more to do and transferring the pleasure of that turn into an image is a constant.

Explore Will Jackways, Slash

Quake City Rumblers Moped Gang

After moving into a half house, half garage with one of my earliest friends in infancy of the Q.C.R. gave me the opportunity to evolve my photography along with the style of the pseudo gang.

Explore Quake City Rumblers Moped Gang