Tag: canada

Wolves on xmas eve

I love shooting with the wolfpack they are the most amazing animals to play with and I was round at Pat’s place on christmas eve so grabbed my camera out and got a couple frames.

Explore Wolves on xmas eve

Christmas Eve

A couple of clubs the night before and the morning of a glorious Christmas in Whistler with the tops of the mountains sitting pretty about 5 degrees above Celsius.

Check the full gallery http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/christmas-eve/

Explore Christmas Eve

Christmas Lights of Whistler

Steve Aoki

I got home dripping champagne sweat and music, that was a good night.

Check the full gallery http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/steve-aoki/

theres a 100 images there so more than I would normally put up but 100 photos each saying 1000 words cant describe everything.


Explore Steve Aoki

Big Bang

Skating Clubs

After rearranging the dance floor to something a little different for the night the local kids decided it was time to get crazy inside Garfs.

Check out the full gallery http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/winter-skate-jam-n0-1/

Explore Skating Clubs

DJ Nu-Mark

Hip Hop at its finest Nu-Mark, of Jurassic 5 fame, played an incredible set last night so unbelievably happy to have been there.

Check out the full gallery at http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/dj-nu-mark/ its a big one but I want the photos to really show how amazing the show was and a couple of frames just could not do that set justice.


Explore DJ Nu-Mark

Glow Glow Party

Its been a little out of date with all the albums coming thru Whats Up Whistler in the past two weeks but heres the newest http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/moe-joe-glow-party/


Explore Glow Glow Party

Miss Powder Mountain

A crazy competition for a few girls to win a lot of stuff a bar Im not particularly fond of but brings in the crowds, check the full gallery http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/miss-powder-mountain/


Explore Miss Powder Mountain

Snap Newspaper

Just picked up the most recent issue of a local newspaper around Whistler, Squamish and Pemberlton and if you fill to page 16 I have shots for the story cover the Whistler Exposed calendar launch party.


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