
K2 Big Mountain Part 1

I spent the last week up in the hills with Liam Hall and the crew checking out the K2 Big Mountain Chill Series, there was a whole lot of high speed skiing going down on some solid conditions. George the super grom is insane and Fraser is skiing faster than anyone these days. Check back in a couple days and the olympus cut will be online.

Explore K2 Big Mountain Part 1

Media Pass

I’ve just been on the road for enough days to get back for a couple nights then be away again, my truck was a bomb site and when I got round to tidying it up I found the Media Pass I was given for the Rail Jam on Saturday night, I thought it was awesome being hand drawn but the bouncers didn’t so it didn’t actually help so I had to get a wrist band which happened to be the wrong colour and bla bla bla media pass never actually helped for anything but this blog post.

The shots from the Rail Jam will be out asap.

Explore Media Pass


Going on tub missions is pretty cool, people everywhere look at you like your retarded and now Henry has a Tumblr Tublife to keep track of it all.

Explore Tublife

Alice in Snowpark

So I went to Snowpark for the day shot a commercial, shot a bunch of jump footage and went night ridding but in-between the day and night it was super sweet light so me and Benny took a real long lap hiking a bunch of stuff and then I had an idea how to edit it and we got this, if we had a shot of his board it would tie in way better cos it has an original alice on it, super cool and the film is from 1903.

Explore Alice in Snowpark