I’ve been editing away on the Macpac footage I shot a while back, we wanted to take the 30 second experience and pull it out little further to really show off a few of the shots.
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I’ve been editing away on the Macpac footage I shot a while back, we wanted to take the 30 second experience and pull it out little further to really show off a few of the shots.
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Before it was really summer I shot this commercial for Macpac making it look like it was already nice and warm around here, well actually there are four ads between NZ, Australia with each having a 30 second and 15 second version over the half dozen locations showing off a bunch of different products. I don’t know full details of what channel and when it’s running but it’s broadcasting till christmas. Edited by Whitebait TV.
[youtube clip_id=”6wGC-9SyTvE” width=”700″ height=””]
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This has been something that I should have dealt with before now but I finally had a need to get one done pretty quick so I grabbed a whole bunch of what I’ve been up to for the past year and cut it up. Now I just have to go shoot some more and get something better but there are plenty of plans in the works for that.
And right around the same time Liam has been cutting the Film Inc Media reel. This was something he shot on the day after Snow Park closed and wasn’t sure what to do with it but I think it show a lot of what he’s up to as the main filmer for Film Inc, the guy just shots and edits a crazy amount.
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The music festival just out of town were looking for some landscape shots to fill their teaser, luckily enough I have plenty of those, all the shots outside of festivals are mine or Liam Hall’s from the hard drives, cut up by someone on the other end of the internet.
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I woke up this morning to an unexpected surprise, on of our recent clips on Film Inc Media got picked up by the Red Bull Facebook and sent out to their 32 million followers. They threw a guy out of space last week and now they post our stuff, I’m stoked, Liam Hall did most of the work, he filmed and edited. Tim Herbert rode good, Kaleb Weston was running the long lens and I had some 50mm shots. Check the vid for yourself Tim at Snowpark 2012.
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This was my entry for the CHILL Film Feast short film competition over the weekend, I had been planning on making this while filming and working out how much awesome footage wouldn’t make the actual edits, then was asked to put something into the Film Feast. I didn’t know it was a competition, I hadn’t even started making it till after the entries closed and even claim in the middle of it some of my shots aren’t any good.
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The last two CHILL series videos are up and online, Black Diamond Big Mountain from Temple Basin.
& the snowboard edit covering the whole series. Awesome shreading overall and really good to hang out with all the crew.
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The comp started this year up at Mt Olympus with Tom Brownlee getting in front of the camera with more than a few ridiculous statements and some of the better skiing I’ve seen.
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A month or so back I ended up with the World Heli Challenge shoot for the Snow Show, it was one of the more amazing opportunities I’ve ended up with.
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As part of my high fives coverage, I’d flick the switch between photo and video a bit to help get some shots for the NZsnowboard edit that Liam Hall who I work with on Film Inc Media made with shots of his own and Kaleb from the Cardrona Media House as well as my little titles. We were all pretty stoked on how the video turned out then it turns up on Transworld’s best of the web, which counts as pretty much as far as you can get with a snowboard vid on the web.
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