While in the south there was some skate comp, missed the park section while shooting on the lakes but watched a few of the guys tear up the bowls.
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While in the south there was some skate comp, missed the park section while shooting on the lakes but watched a few of the guys tear up the bowls.
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Gave me a good excuse to get away from the computer on friday night and I haven’t been to the park in a long time was fun to go for a quick roll, see some kids I haven’t seen in way too long and shoot some frames
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Mellow, death race was rad
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After a winter of ridiculous snowfall amounting to the second biggest season ever it can be useful to have a covered skate spot. Tom Rudzroga popping.
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So before the huge that is hitting Whistler right now rolled in there was a day of spring and an afternoon of skating. Heres a couple shots from the game of skate between Mitch and Tom, I bailed after the first games it been months since I’ve been skating and the tricks are not coming back quite fast as they could.
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After rearranging the dance floor to something a little different for the night the local kids decided it was time to get crazy inside Garfs.
Check out the full gallery http://www.whatsupwhistler.com/2009/12/winter-skate-jam-n0-1/
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I had taken these a while ago and got really busy, they didn’t have a deadline to be finished by and kept shooting new frames until I had time today to go back and look at them had an edit and here they are to you. Josh Brown killing it at the Methven skatepark the shelter. With a huge swelbow.
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