Tag: antti autti

World Heli Challenge 2013 – Winner Freestyle Day

As with anytime your running around the mountains things are going to get complicated, especially when you introduce helicopters and competition, 2013 WHC was no exception with only one of the two days completed the video competition was changed dramatically, I was honoured to receive the prize for best freestyle day, the only day completed, by the judges and bring on 2014 with hopefully a better snowpack and better weather.

Explore World Heli Challenge 2013 – Winner Freestyle Day

World Heli Challenge 2013 – Best Freestyle Day

I was a part of the Shoot out for WHC this year, it’s a competition to cover a competition and make an edit. Last year I made a Snow Show instead so was keen to throw my hat in the ring against some of the other local and international film makers, it was a bit of a crazy year with the weather being all over the show which means we only flew one day out of the two even tho we had a two week window but that put all film makers in the same position so I began cutting and this is what I ended up with and the panel of judges saw something good in it as they awarded me with best Freestyle day edit.

Explore World Heli Challenge 2013 – Best Freestyle Day