I created a subtle 3d graphic for the poster of the event, with a long list of sponsors and plenty of info needed the imagery had to draw people in but also allow the text to talk to the viewer.

This Project contains
These are print works of sort, some of which have been printed, some have been used entirely online, most are static but all of them are different.
Last night when I was half scribbling in a note book and half paying attention to some really cool french movie we have on hard drive it got me thinking.
I should really get back there one day soon and pick up a few more copies of Be Street mag when I do or at least find the last copy I had, all I remember over where it is the cover had been ripped off it.
This Project contains
A slightly longer name for an event so I used type to cover most of the poster and with more logos than you can shake a stick at the illustrations got pushed back a little. More info can be found out about the event over at Wake NZ
Just waiting till we get the sponos and other details dialed in but if you can make it you should, it’s gonna be fun and it’s got a facebook event which makes it official
It turns out my computer doesn’t really like creating 3D text in photoshop so this took a while to go from concept to completion and after a whole number of different tries to give the text the effect I ended up going with Repousse tool and as quite often happens the final image is quite different to the initial concept but I’m happy so if you can make it get on down, Facebook event here.