Video Blog

By capturing ideas in light theres a freedom of letting somethings be part of the “real” world and controlling others. Taking one frame or 240 a second there are ideas that need to be developed.

Video Test: Skate Slow

Coming up with a little extra time to shoot got me to the point of wanting to work on a few clips I’ve been thinking about. I;m not exactly sure if it’s going to be a series or things that will flow together or just a bunch of little things that I shoot and throw together. The first of these was skating through my backyard with Ryan Fitzhenry of Rotor Collective on the DJI Mavic.

Explore Video Test: Skate Slow
drone image above vineyards

After working on some smaller pieces with Healdsburg I directed this piece for Wineram Productions. This was the first time I really pushed into using the full Epic-W S35 8K sensor and being able to push in to a full resolution 4k shot at any point, also hanging these cameras still makes me quite nervous but the rig held up pretty well.

Explore A Taste of Healdsburg

October Turns

All twelve months is one of those ridiculous things that people cling to, it’s a weird badge of honor to have dedicated at least one day each to snowboarding, October is often the hard one, it doesn’t really fit in the Southern Hemisphere, as a lot of people have left by then or started working on the summer sport, it sometimes fits in the Northern Hemisphere if your lucky to get an early storm. Garrett has done more than his fair share, he rode in October for closing day of TC, he went to the patch in South Lake and then he came with me on a stupid long walk on my thirtieth birthday in the last days of October. Snowboarding is still fun, even if this snow did kinda suck.

Explore October Turns
montage of skiing images

The winter of twenty seventeen was something to remember in the Tahoe region, and as the testing home of Snowledge I spent a lot of the season grabbing clips, not really ever filming for this but just taking everything I could get with the crew and cutting it a whole lot of different ways, from posting in the app to longer clips in a number of different ways and this is the cumulation of that. Testing an app has never been better.

Explore Snowledge Seventeen Team Edit

Eric Lee O’Brien Seventeen

Getting to work for Snowledge is pretty cool, getting to ski with the founder is really rad when they ski like Eric. After a seriously good season in Tahoe and a lot of tiny camera days just ripping around the local spots we tried to keep this a lot less P.O.V. than the 16 edit and it ended up being a majority of my shots with a little help from others and then my cut.

Explore Eric Lee O’Brien Seventeen

A little part of Drop Everything

I had the absolute pleasure of being invited along for a couple of shoots with Matchstick Productions on their newly released project, Drop Everything. In a weird turn of events I was actually in the trailer as linked below 1:36 I’m sliding the camera along for a ridiculous little setup, the shot cuts in the middle and the camera isn’t even turned on for one of the shots but none of the shots I filmed made it to that cut. Last night I joined a massive cast to at Squaw to see the Squaw segment which blends history and an amazing progression of skiing, which I’m honored to say I had a couple of shots in, as well as one in Marcus Eder’s section.
A huge thanks to Scott, Connery and Marcus for the opportunity, to everyone else involved well done and anyone who hasn’t seen it yet get the film online here.

Explore A little part of Drop Everything