Tag: manual

Manual #58 – Winter 2015

The new issue of one of my favourite mags just dropped and I’m happy to have this shot of Ben Comber in the Good Times, Bad Times article working the after season at Treble Cone with a miller flip, this was the kind of thing I really wanted to shoot a lot more last year. Looking through the NZ coverage there were so many shots of international pros coming down under and working things that were cool but not absolutely crazy in a way the NZ riders could do but just didn’t.

ben comber snowboarding miller flip

Explore Manual #58 – Winter 2015


I headed to Wellington for the past few days to check out the Semi-permanent design conference, but somehow action sports is always still around, the skate scene up there is really cool, I got to the latest release party for Seconds magazine right off the plane and a couple of days later we stumbled across the Zon of the lines skate comp, Pedro Day was killing it with this frontside flip, I figured I may as well snap a couple of frames and Dave Read, aka blue shirt and fisheye in this shot was keen on posting it into the Manual write up.

Explore Wellingzon