Blog Photo


A few of the boys up in Canterbury are working on a new site called PROJECT WINTER so I passed over a few of my shots from the first couple of days we took touring. Check it out over here.



Really happy to see this shot of Ben Comber’s pipe ride in print. It’s not the biggest trick out there but it’s a cool spot that I think a lot of people have looked at but I don’t know if it’s been hit before, as is a little obvious there’s not a lot of snow around it but sometimes you have to make the most of a lower snow. Check it out in the new issue of CHILL Adventures mag out now.
snowboard streetish shot

Explore Pipes


A buddie o mine has been working hard getting his community bike garage open in Christchurch so while I was up there the other day we got a couple of pics and now they are out in the new Licence to Ride Manual, formerly the CHILL Adventures summer mag. I’ve got a new other shots in there too.

rad bike store

Explore RAD
photos of meat

It’s meat that comes in your mail, check out what they are doing with my photos on, I have been mostly working on the product page shots but we are working on a few of these rather tasty looking ones.

Explore Meat Mail